How To Make Clothes On Roblox: Creating Your Desired Designs

Roblox is a wonderful web game that is available among all ages of people like kids, adults, and elderly people. This popularity is due to its broad game features. This is a kind of gaming experience that amuses you with its remarkable operating procedure. You have a variety of choices in its gameplay. You can pursue your own choices as per your liking. But have you ever wondered just; How To Make Clothes On Roblox?

Roblox is a creative and innovative game that attracts its users due to multiple factors. One major contributing factor is that you can make shirts of your choice for your avatar. Roblox allows its users to collect shirts with different designs. And then sell these avatar items to Roblox too.

Normally you find items in other games that are prepared and you can’t make a change in them. You are bound to play with these items in your game. Comparatively, Roblox lets you make items like shirts and have items of your choice. You can decorate your avatar with vibrant shirt designs. You can pick these designs from the avatar inventory.

Otherwise, feel free to make your Roblox shirt designs. You can also legalize your Roblox model items by selling them to Roblox. Roblox Christmas Outfits

How To Make Clothes On Roblox

You Can Monetize Your Roblox Shirt Items

Roblox avatar also contains items in its inventory. However, some do not prefer to customize their avatar with these custom Roblox clothes. Making shirts or other clothing accessories on Roblox is not rocket science. You can make designs of your liking if you are familiar with editing software.

You can synthesize these shirt items and sell them to Roblox. And you can make real money by vending these self-made shirt items.You can create various Roblox clothes designs on the editing software.

How To Make Clothes On Roblox

There are following steps to create Roblox clothes.

  • Make a Roblox account
  • Acquire Robux
  • Steer to make a shirt screen
  • Download the shirt template 
  • Sync the upgraded Photoshop file to Roblox
  • Obtain shirt approved
  • Arrange shirt for monetization

Not only do you understand how to make shirts but you also learn to know different types of shirts and designs.

You Can Monetize Your Roblox Shirt Items

How to Make Shirts On Roblox

Roblox is a terrific gaming hub that has attracted the attention of thousands of players. Having this game filled with thousands of enthusiastic players, how does it feel to have the avatar filled with the same items? Luckily there are the same items in the avatar. You can customize items for your avatar by making your items.

To create these shirts or designs you have to download Roblox Studio, which is the promoting site of Roblox. 

How to Make Shirts On Roblox

How To Make T-Ss On Roblox

Making T-Shirts on Roblox is easy. You can configure shirts of your designs. Design an image that is specifically 512, multiply 512 and then put it on the roblox through the Asset Manager in Roblox Studio.  As T-shirts are half in manufacturing and designing than that of full shirts, so there is not much else to do.

How To Make T-Ss On Roblox

How To Make Shirts And Pants On Roblox

Roblox does not have complicated procedures to make clothes. You just need to make a large item at first that fits perfectly your avatar. Then you can go to make small accessories for your avatar. You can give it a try before making new ones on a painting image or adjusting designs.

Making shirts and pants is far less difficult than creating T-shirt designs. This is because shirts and pants can cover the avatar easily.

To begin, just try out the templates that roblox created itself. You will find a kind of guiding figure that will lead you in going the right course. You’ll see markers and dashed lines that show you the cloth’s width and length. This template operates with 8-bit alpha channels. Roblox adjusts the faces in this template to find out the size of the shirt for your avatar. It is important to note that images must be consistent with their size otherwise the design will collapse.

How To Make Shirts And Pants On Roblox

Testing Your Clothing And Designs

Amidst we are designing shirts in Roblox studio let’s test how finely it will go if we add up our new design to Roblox.

In Roblox Studio, head towards the plugins tab and snick Build Rig. Then select a rig kind that avails different avatar modes that Roblox permits players to utilise.

Once you have chosen a build rig, move into the explorer’s window and overview the Dummy object. Hit the plus button and select either ShirtGraphic (T-shirt), pants, or shirt, depending on which design is selected.

Spot and opt for the new clothing object shirt design inside the Dummy. Discover the property located in the properties window and then tap inside the row. This will let you view the image uploaded to the Roblox. Once finished, look out how your clothes and their designs are displayed! Kudos, You have just just experienced or tested some designs.

Check these clothes designs on different Build Rigs to confirm the procedure or steps following above. By doing this, you can test out fresh designs on another setup. With the help of this, you can view your designs on different player models.

Roblox Studio Download Here


Roblox Clothing Fees

Uploading items and giving away these with cost will give you fees of course. This payment is done by Roblox premium currency, Robux that’s a subscription you can get by your consent monthly or yearly by collecting Robux.

It will give you 10 Robux when you upload your first item on Roblox. This fee is the same fee for shirts and pants. And you will be blessed with 10 Robux when your item goes on sale for the first time.

When your item is being sold out, Roblox takes a partial fee from it. For T-shirts, pants, and shirts, this cut is 70\30 with the designer of the clothing collecting 70 percent revenue. In cases when the item is given out an experience, the creator obtains 60 percent of the revenue, with 10 percent going to the owner of the experience.


In light of the above discussion, you can wind up by saying that you can find these Roblox games quite creative by making clothes of your own choice. Roblox is a gaming hub containing thousands of thrilling games. You can make shirts or clothes of your liking for your avatar.

You can design shirts of your desired size. You can make T-shirts, shirts, and pants for your avatar of your desired size. You can adjust the size from the template Roblox contains. You can also manage the size of a shirt using an image-designing application.


How do I create clothes on Roblox?

You can easily make shirts of your liking and desired design. Simply you have to adjust size from the template. You can opt design from the image designing app for your shirts.

Is it free to make clothes on Roblox?

Yes, it is free to make clothes on Roblox.

Can you still make clothes on Roblox?

Yes, you can make clothes of different varieties on Roblox.

Is there any app on Roblox to make clothes?

Yes, there is a template on Roblox where you can make clothes. There is also an image designing app where you can make your Roblox clothes for your avatar.

How can you make a Roblox T-Shirt?

You can Make T-shirts on Roblox is not difficult. You have to choose a size and just create a shirt of that size. The T-shirt is half in size than that of other full shirts.

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